Monday, July 6, 2009

Choosing the Right White TV segment on ABC's Mirror Mirror

Here is a link to the TV segment Color My Closet was recently featured.

Please do check it out and ask me any questions you have about wearing your right white.

Live in color!


Blogger said...

I just watched your segment on Mirror/Mirror. I happen to be a natural strawberry-blonde.

What shade of white should women with strawberry-blonde hair wear?

It sort of skipped over that part since we make up only 5% of the population. I'm dying to know because I have had such trouble finding colors my whole life.

Color My Closet said...

Sorry it took me so long to respond. If you are stawberry blonde, then it is likely that you are warm---a Spring. Warm whites, which are actually cream, work best. Warm but muted whites like oyster are best for Autumns and can dull your skin. So stick w/ warm, bright cream! Hope this helps!